ETH Fixed-Rate Staking Yield

Luganodes as Your Validator

CESR Asset

Secure Fixed-rate Ethereum Yield with our CESR-Aligned Staking Service

Institutional clients can now stake Ethereum with a fixed-rate yield, mitigating APR fluctuations and effectively managing risk.

CoinDesk CESR™ (Composite Ether Staking Rate) based mechanism.
Backed by Nonco Fixed-rate swap trade.
Earn fixed rewards and mitigate risk.

Unlocking Fixed APR on ETH

Staking is the backbone of Proof of Stake blockchains, generating value through its services. Ethereum, a trailblazer in the blockchain space, relies heavily on staking to power its growth. CESR™ brings valuable advancements to the staking ecosystem by allowing Luganodes to offer a fixed staking rate to their clients, shielding them from APR fluctuations and staking performance drops.

Institutional clients can now stake ETH with enhanced stability and risk management capabilities. Through the CESR Swap method, Luganodes offers clients a fixed return every month, adhering to industry-leading standards set by the CESR benchmark.

Already widely spread across TradFi, the multi-trillion-dollar interest rate swap economy has now arrived in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Fixed-Rate ETH Yield Features

Fixed Rate Yield

Clients benefit from consistent staking returns and are protected from APR fluctuations and validator performance drops.

CESR Defined Benchmark

A transparent benchmark that encourages validators to meet or exceed the APR, driving better performance and accountability.

Risk Mitigation for Liquidity Providers

Liquidity providers hedge market risks through CESR swaps, securing stable yields while minimizing exposure to volatility.

Stable Returns for Institutional Investors

Institutional clients lock in predictable staking returns with fixed-rate agreements, ensuring reliable income for financial planning.

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